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Top Emerging Business Award Nomination Form
Volunteer Sign Up for Chamber Members
All volunteer shifts have been currently filled. If you would like to be put on the alternate list, please tell us your time/date availability and complete the form below and we will call you if there is a cancellation.
Thank you for supporting your community by submitting an application to become an Amarillo Chamber Champion and volunteer for a Chamber event. Keep in mind, submission of the form does not guarantee you will be used as a volunteer for this event. (Space is limited). Even if you have volunteered in the past or have notified us that you want to volunteer, we must have an application submitted for each person wanting to volunteer to be considered.
We are looking for volunteers to work Thursday, October 7th. We will fill the spots based on first come first served basis and will remove shifts from this form as they are filled. We need approximately 50 volunteers on Thursday. Please read all of the information below closely before submitting the form. Because this is a new location for the event this year at the Tri-State Fairgrounds, many things have changed.
Things to know:
Applications to volunteer are due no later than September 30th, and selected volunteers will be notified within 2 days.
You must be at least 21 years of age to volunteer.
At the event, you represent the Chamber and should be professional and courteous to our guests, staff, and other volunteers.
Each volunteer shift is 1 hour and 15 minutes long. You should arrive a few minutes early for your shift to work and plan on staying at that location for the duration of your shift unless a Chamber staff member reassigns you. All volunteers will have time to visit the booths and sample food and drinks either before their shift or after. The event takes place from 5pm-8pm.
No more than 2 members from the same family can volunteer.
Children are not allowed in the area where volunteers and staff are working.
Volunteers will be admitted to the event for the night they are scheduled to work for free. If you volunteer on Wednesday, you will be allowed into the private Team Night Wednesday event and can sample food and drinks outside of your shift scheduled that night. Keep in mind, Wednesday night is a PRIVATE EVENT and no tickets are sold. Family or friends may not attend with you on Wednesday unless they have also been selected as a volunteer for Wednesday.
On Thursday, only volunteers who have been approved to work on Thursday and notified will be allowed to enter the event for free. Other family members, friends, or guests that come with you will have to have their own ticket to the event. Tickets can be purchased for $30 in advance at Panhandle Ticket outlets or will be $40 at the gate.
As a volunteer, you may be asked to assist at the entry gates checking IDs or affixing wrist bands. Some volunteers may also be needed to serve beer, water or soft drinks or help in other capacities. We appreciate your flexibility on assignments.
The event will take place at the Tri-State Fairgrounds. Cars must enter east of Gate #1 near 10th & Marrs to park. Details on where to enter and check in will be emailed and texted to volunteers prior to the event. Please include a valid email and a cell phone number that can receive text messages so that we may reach you about any assignments, instructions or changes.
Thank you for your willingness to serve! We appreciate you!
1) Complete the following form.
2) Click "Submit" at the bottom of the page.
3) Keep the email confirmation that your request was approved by the Chamber. (You should receive email confirmation within 5 business days of your submission.)
If you need assistance, please call
at the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce at 373-7800.
Event Information:
Chamber Good Times Celebration Barbecue Cook-Off
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Tri-State Fairgrounds - East of Entrance #1 near 10th & Marrs.
Indicates required field
Please provide the name of your business or organization:
Please provide your email address:
Please provide your cell phone number so that we may CALL or TEXT you updates.:
Have you volunteered for the Chamber in the past?
If you selected “Yes”, please provide the event, duty and year you volunteered below:
Are you 21 or older?