A Chamber Membership Directory listing businesses and individuals contact information for the more than 1,800 members.
Listing in the Chamber Membership Directory - business name & contact information in both alphabetical order as well as by business type in more than 2,300 printed copies produced annually in March.
Chamber Website Listing - business name & contact information listed on the Chamber website searchable by business type.
eNewsletter Listing - business name, contact information and business description listed and hyperlinked to your website and emailed to over 3,000 contacts the week after you join. (Our average open rate for the weekly eNewsletter is approximately 43% each week...or more than 1,000 people.)
Notifications about Chamber Events or News sent via email.
Assurance that councils and committees of the Chamber are staying abreast of the issues that affect your business locally, statewide and nationally.
Optional Ribbon Cutting or Ground Breaking Ceremony with members of the Chamber Staff & RoundUp Club to celebrate your milestone event at your business location. The ceremony will also be promoted with a photo on the Chamber Facebook, Twitter & Instagram profiles, as well as featured in the Chamber eNewsletter. A photo of the ceremony will be posted on our AmarilloChamber Facebook page. Ceremonies are listed on the Chamber Week’s Sneak Peek page of our website as well as listed on the Chamber calendar and our Facebook events tab. If you would like to request a ribbon cutting or ground breaking event for your business, click here.
Members Have The Opportunity To:
Participate in BusinessConnection; our annual business tradeshow that hosts more than 250 exhibitor booths attended by thousands of people (held annually in May).